Are Insect Spy Drones outside Your Window?
There has been a lot of talk recently about the NSA or US military having tiny insect sized spy drones that they are using to spy on us. Several convincing photos are circulating the web that supposedly show these micro spy drones. But are they real?
The videos below show computer animated representations of what this technology could look like.
Near Future Tech
In order to have a spy drone, you need several key pieces of equipment. You need an audio/video recorder, A GPS unit (for navigation), a radio receiver and transmitter (to relay information back to base… or a recorder to save the information for download later), a motor for mobility, and a power source.
Although the folks at the NSA are likely wringing their sweaty little hands at the thought of having a fleet of automated spy-cam insects roaming our streets, the technology to fit all of that into such a tiny frame is not here. Yet…
However, anyone familiar with Singularity, Moore’s law, and the exponential improvements in the technology sector, will surely see that the day that these spying insect sized drones become a reality is soon to be upon us.
The videos above show the latest in the development of insect like spy drones. As you can see, they are still roughly the size of your fist. They are probably half that size now, but that is still a lot larger then a mosquito.
In the videos below, you can see actual insect sized drones. These are truly the cutting edge in micro robotics, but as you can see in the videos, these cannot yet support the weight. The wire coming off of the drones is these videos is supplying power, and likely control. It will still take a while before the rest of the payload can be made small and light enough to fit on these little guys. Even then, lost units would be high considering a strong wind could likely take one out. The cost per unit would make these impractical for unwarranted individual surveillance. So even though, I believe the day is coming that we may see insect spy drones being used for surveillance, I do not think that day is here yet.
Note: The cover image for this story is the bee from the 1994 move Richie Rich built by special effects wizard Gene Young Check out a couple more picks of this movie prop. It couldn’t fly or move on its own, and was powered by an outside source. It was also about the size of your forearm.
For the last seven years I have kept my mouth shut, but I was part of a DARPA working group and cconerefne in 2005 where, as part of our assigned project and mandate, this exact system was proposed, and it had capacities not discussed in this article too. We were conceptualizing and sketching out system requirements, capabilities, and basic doctrine on a number of levels for a variety of technologies along a specific purpose, and I could independently prove this assertion and my personal involvement to any independent analysis required by any journalist. Now that they are admitting this project, I don’t feel I have to keep my mouth shut regarding THIS technology or program, unlike the others I do. In that 2005 cconerefne, a scientist proposed using such devices as part of our mission parameter, and I asked, point blank, whether or not it was realistic to include them, and the capabilities he mentioned, and if it was at the 30 year mark (our maximum time horizons),, 20 year mark, or what. The guy, who conceptually detailed it with FAR more operational detail than I would have thought, regarding specific capacities, uses, etc., said it will be ready a LOT sooner than you think . It occurs to me that based on what he said, his particular expertise, evident specific technical knowledge and the programs and projects he worked on when he was not at this cconerefne, that if this is what they are admitting to having in production now, the next gen prototypes will ALREADY be of significantly advanced capacity. So yes, believe it. Since the cconerefne, health and family matters have kept me out of the field, away from the invite only cconerefnes, classified and confidential briefings, and I have done zero official work, but based on specific disclosures from the most credible and educated, official capacity personnel, I am sure this is no joke. Take it for whatever you want. The USA has a great number of brilliant people at DARPA, and brings in talent. In a number of ways for specific purposes, reality checks, etc. I have never been so impressed by the intellectual caliber, organisational proficiency, and clear purpose, especially in their ability to basically herd a bunch of cats (the varied geniuses assembled) into a specific purpose and productive end as I saw with DARPA.
For the last seven years I have kept my mouth shut, but I was part of a DARPA working group and corecnfnee in 2005 where, as part of our assigned project and mandate, this exact system was proposed, and it had capacities not discussed in this article too. We were conceptualizing and sketching out system requirements, capabilities, and basic doctrine on a number of levels for a variety of technologies along a specific purpose, and I could independently prove this assertion and my personal involvement to any independent analysis required by any journalist. Now that they are admitting this project, I don’t feel I have to keep my mouth shut regarding THIS technology or program, unlike the others I do. In that 2005 corecnfnee, a scientist proposed using such devices as part of our mission parameter, and I asked, point blank, whether or not it was realistic to include them, and the capabilities he mentioned, and if it was at the 30 year mark (our maximum time horizons),, 20 year mark, or what. The guy, who conceptually detailed it with FAR more operational detail than I would have thought, regarding specific capacities, uses, etc., said it will be ready a LOT sooner than you think . It occurs to me that based on what he said, his particular expertise, evident specific technical knowledge and the programs and projects he worked on when he was not at this corecnfnee, that if this is what they are admitting to having in production now, the next gen prototypes will ALREADY be of significantly advanced capacity. So yes, believe it. Since the corecnfnee, health and family matters have kept me out of the field, away from the invite only corecnfnees, classified and confidential briefings, and I have done zero official work, but based on specific disclosures from the most credible and educated, official capacity personnel, I am sure this is no joke. Take it for whatever you want. The USA has a great number of brilliant people at DARPA, and brings in talent. In a number of ways for specific purposes, reality checks, etc. I have never been so impressed by the intellectual caliber, organisational proficiency, and clear purpose, especially in their ability to basically herd a bunch of cats (the varied geniuses assembled) into a specific purpose and productive end as I saw with DARPA.